About Me

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Olive Branch, MS, United States
I'm a mom, a wife, a daughter, a sister and a friend. I work, I play, I laugh, I smile and I cry. I love to read, to ponder and to write. These are the thoughts I feel inspired to share...by no means all of them, just some of them.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

The Proof of Discipline - Part Three

Can't believe it's been two months since I've written!! Busy? Yep. Slightly uninspired? Yea, that too.

So: back to proof of discipline. Number three was:

3) My clothes fit better (or I need new ones)

Well....I can unequivocally say that I have had to buy some new clothes!! Getting in shape has been costly - hundreds of dollars spent on new dress slacks and shirts for work. But I LIKE the way the clothes feel and fit.

So how about spiritually? How do I relate 'clothes fitting' with spiritual matters and discipline? I'll know that I'm being disciplined in my walk with God when all those loose, baggy clothes, worn specifically to hide what I didn't want people to see, are replaced by clothes that show off the new me. These clothes are a joy-filled smile, not a plastered on one. A spirit of warmth lightly draped over my shoulders as opposed to a big heavy sweater that provided some false fuzzy feeling. Yep, there are new clothes. Woohoo!!