About Me

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Olive Branch, MS, United States
I'm a mom, a wife, a daughter, a sister and a friend. I work, I play, I laugh, I smile and I cry. I love to read, to ponder and to write. These are the thoughts I feel inspired to share...by no means all of them, just some of them.

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Are you REAL?

**I wrote this last night on an airplane after an AWESOME email exchange with a friend. She really made me think over the last few days; challenged my own feelings and concept of stepping out from behind the wall. Hope it challenges you too!**



Easy question, right? Of course you're 'real'. You let every emotion out,
voice your convictions, feelings and thoughts and let people into your
world. You don't "put on the happy face" or "wear your Sunday best", do

Ouch. Did I call you out? Step on your toes?? Don't worry, I've not been
real either. For as long as I can remember I've been the person that I
wanted people to believe I was. I've put on the game face, the Sunday
morning smile, the Wednesday afternoon contentment. I've led people to
believe that I had the best marriage, the greatest job, the most content
heart. Did you buy it? Did you ever think it was too good to be true?

Here's what's cool though. Over the past few years I've been fortunate
enough to have that fantastic group of friends; those women that will take
the time to get to know you and not first judge you. That group of ladies
that has loved me for who I am and who I'm not. For what I've done and
what I didn't do. Loved me for my successes and my failures. I've been
able to BE REAL with them and it's a feeling of freedom that is without a
match. What do I say about that?? Wow. That's it. Wow.

Do I need to tell everyone of every hurt, every guilt, ever fear that once
consumed me or consumes me now? Not at all. Those that are the right ones
for those deep relationships have been revealed to me through God's hand.
They are here and they are real and they are the most special people in the
world to me. Are there more to come? Perhaps. I hope to have many
seasons left by which I can use my story of God's redemption to grow closer to
and impact others. Will that result in another group of soul sisters to
add to the small group I already have? I don't know and I don't care.
What will be will be and I'll be there to accept whatever path the Lord
leads me down.

BUT - do I owe it to God to share the pieces of me that define my journey??
Yes, I do. I recently told someone that God would never have let me go
through some of the valleys I've been through if it weren't for the
opportunity to share those with others. The story of 'who I was and where
I stood' once upon a time vs 'who I am and where I now stand' is too good
of one to NOT share. I owe it to God to let others know of the hell I've
lived and how only the LORD has pulled me out of the deepest darkest
places. How many people could benefit from what you've learned on your
life journey? How many others could feel more compassion and grace by
sharing their hurts and fears with you because they know you're there with
them or have been there before?

Let me end by asking you this.....WHO are you? Are you the person I see on
Facebook or is that just the person you want people to think you are? Are
you the person I see at church on Sunday morning with your life 100%
together? Are you the person that answers 'fine!' To anyone that asks you
how you're doing? I think that most of us have so many needs, so many
hurts, so many doubts that what we need is a group of people around us that
care, not judge. I think that if we knew we'd be loved and accepted the
way we are vs the way we want people to believe we are that we'd be so much
happier and free. We'd share, we'd become vulnerable, we'd open our hearts
up with the hope that thy'd be held. Sadly, I think that so many of us
have created such a false picture of what's real that the others feel as
though they have no choice but to portray the same persona publicly!

Hear me! You don't need to be fake!! You need to be real!! Let others
love you, hold you, console you, be there for you. Lean on your friends!
Do you wonder who those friends really are?? Be real and I promise you'll
know quickly who they are.

Be the person that God made you. Its the only way to feel peace. Want to
know more?? Ask me.....but be prepared to hear the REAL me.


  1. They say honesty is the best policy and I agree. I've seen it played out in my life time and time again.

    For example, when the waiter asks how was your dinner? Answer honestly. The chicken was chewy. The potatoes cold. The salad dressing yummy. Otherwise how will they know. When your mom makes a funny comment on your weight and it feels like a sucker punch. Answer honestly. Instead of laughing it off, let her know when you squeezed into your jeans to come for her party, you were painfully aware you'd been missing some gym time. Otherwise how will she know.

    But it is not the honest response to questions that I find is the most difficult part to being real - it is saying no.

    While we all want to give to others, sometimes it is more important to put ourselves, our health and well being first. Is it vanity? Perhaps but it is also being real. Do you really want to put one more obligation on your already overloaded calendar? Instead of "sure, I have Wednesday night free" thinking that is my ONLY night free. Say no, but how about next week? When you are on a work trip and everyone is meeting up for breakfast. Say no and get to the gym because you need to then meet them for coffee.

    See, I find that saying Yes to everything is an easy excuse to being real. An excuse that keeps you from putting yourself first. I think that God wants us to take care of ourselves as much if not more than we take care of each other. So look for ways you aren't real, aren't honest in your life ... you may be surprised. I know I am!

    Thanks Carolyn!

  2. Interesting take! I don't think too much about that angle....I guess I'm pretty comfortable doing my own thing that I don't always jump when others ask me to do something. Saying no to requests for my time is often easy and real...I have so little free time as it is. Socially, I will occasionally accept an invite for lunch or a girls night but more often I gently say 'no'. I think that that's tied as much into my lack of desire to hang out with people that don't seem 'real' to me. Hmmmmm, yep, maybe there's a link there!

    Thx for the comment - I enjoy hearing the viewpoints and thoughts of others!

  3. An excellent perspective, Carolyn. As someone who has seen the old and new you and has marveled in the changes as they've come, I can definitely see the real you not just peeking out, but boldly stepping out. I love it, and I love you! Miss you, friend. :)

  4. Penny - you do indeed know the good, the bad and the ugly and I've been so fortunate to call you 'friend' through every bit of it. I wish we were able to see one another more often - its been a long 22yrs since high school graduation! Know that you've inspired me throughout the journey Penny - you've been YOU for a very long time. Love you and miss you too
