About Me

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Olive Branch, MS, United States
I'm a mom, a wife, a daughter, a sister and a friend. I work, I play, I laugh, I smile and I cry. I love to read, to ponder and to write. These are the thoughts I feel inspired to share...by no means all of them, just some of them.

Monday, January 24, 2011

More thoughts about My One Word....

Ok....so I've chosen the word discipline. Here's why......

There are things in my life that I KNOW deserve more attention. Things that will benefit me and others around me FAR more than some of the things I currently focus on. I know that I need to have DISCIPLINE to give the attention to these things that they require.

MyOneWord.org asked me today what I feel the biggest challenge will be to me having success with my word in 2011. What I wrote was this:

I know that I am very disciplined in that which I want to do or those things that I already excel in. The problem lies when I should be doing other things that I'm not so excited about or fear failing in. I find it difficult to have the discipline to follow through with the charge to do THOSE things! I believe that my biggest roadblock will be my schedule...as it stays overloaded I fear that I will continue to give priority to the things in my comfort zone and let the others slide.

So.....I've identified my desire and come face-to-face acknowledging what I believe my biggest hurdle to be. I will also tell you that my DISCIPLINE for the most part has been pretty darned good these past several days....these days since I chose my one word.


  1. Anyone who intentionally gets up to be AT the workout by 5:00 a.m. definitely has the potential to lead a disciplined life. I'm so proud of you!

    As for the fear factor/comfort zone enigma...time to do a little stretching after that morning workout! Pick one stretch per week. You can do more if you want, but one will do. Choose one new or uncomfortable or downright scary new move each week. You don't have to go back to any you don't feel bring you closer to God, or a grace-filled life; but you do have to at least try one each week.

    That is my challenge to you, my friend. If you find something that grows your faith and/or love, feel free to revisit as time allows. Those that only add stress do not get to stick around for now. If they take you away from family too often, they can be explored for now, but shouldn't stay for now. Don't overwhelm yourself, but rather, expose yourself to new adventures. You can always put them on the back burner for another day when you aren't so busy.

    You may choose to try this, or simply set it aside. If you choose to follow, I'd love to take the journey with you. I could use a little stretching myself! :)

  2. Thanks Penny!!! Wise words my friend. LOVE the stretching analogy....word-pictures and talking my language are extrememly helpful (since I can be just as dense to the obvious as you remember me being).

    Today's stretch....hmmmm....let me think about that in the shower.
