About Me

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Olive Branch, MS, United States
I'm a mom, a wife, a daughter, a sister and a friend. I work, I play, I laugh, I smile and I cry. I love to read, to ponder and to write. These are the thoughts I feel inspired to share...by no means all of them, just some of them.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Tribute #10 - Surrounding Myself with Good

As a reminder - I am posting tributes to celebrate my birthday month. The plan was to give shout-outs to the things that have influenced me, turned me into the person that I am today.

Tribute #10 is a realization of sorts.....a shout-out to the importance of surrounding myself with good.


I had an epiphany some time ago...it went like this: The people you hang out with have a much greater influence on your overall being than you can imagine. The people we want to be, the habits we want to learn, the skills we wish to have and the character we wish to exhibit are SO MUCH EASIER to attain if we surround ouselves with people who own these same characteristics.

If I want to better appreciate art, I need to find people that know and appreciate art and will willingly share their knowledge and passion with me. If I want to eat better and exercise more, then I can't choose to spend time with people that mistreat their bodies. If I want to be a better wife and mother, I need to spend time with women who love and honor their husbands and are the best moms around. I need to see them up close, observe their behaviors, understand their drivers and strive to emulate them. If I wish to be more gentle and compassionate, I can't hang around those that are always angry and out for revenge. Finally, if I wish to have a closer relationship with God, to better allow the Holy Spirit ot flow through me, then I must surround myself with people that can be that model that I need.

So what? Well, if you, or me, or anyone is unhappy with our behaviors, habits, moods, attitudes, etc.....doesn't it make sense to step back and ask ourselves WHO we're spending time with and WHAT we're spending our time doing? I've de-friended FB friends because their status was always negative or crude. I'll ask people to leave my office when all they do is stop by to complain or gossip. Conversely, I've sought out classes at church to help me learn and grow and have made a conscious effort to grow my relationships with ladies that I look up to and admire.

This idea isn't new but I haven't always tried to purposely surround myself with the things and people that are best for me. I do today....and it's working out pretty well. Find your poisons and rid your life of them....you'll be so much better for it!

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