Ok, not really 'bad', but it may seem that way at first. Let me explain....
Often we Christians lament about 1) not knowing God's will, 2) not feeling the Holy Spirit's nudging, 3) not getting anything out of reading the Bible or hearing a sermon. As we discuss it we always end up with "the closer we get to God the more we'll hear him, feel Him, experience Him".
Well, that's all true! Without a doubt, the more I've committed my time, my thoughts and my actions to serving God, the more He's revealed to me in one way or another. I'll testify to that all day.
So where's the 'bad'? Well, along with all these good consequences I can tell you that God will ALSO make you more aware of where you're falling short of His expectations......where your SIN lies. Seems as though if I'm coasting along, making my own decisions and doing my own thing, I'm mostly content in knowing that I'm making what I think are the best moves. But as my focus is more squarely on God I've been struck by actions, feelings and emotions that are seriously ungodly. Another term for that would be SINFUL.
I'll offer up an example. I've stewed over something for months. I felt as though a friend should've done something that she didn't do. I took her actions (or inaction) as an affront to me. Just a few weeks ago, as I was listening to a sermon, letting the words sink in, it struck me that I was being selfish and judgemental. I struggled with that for a while but quickly realized that I WAS wrong and that I owed this friend an apology.
This whole realization and subsequent admission to my friend was not initially pleasant. BUT - there are two results from this experience that are simply awesome. First, the phone call to my friend and our conversation opened up our friendship in a special way. Second, I'm encouraged that I'm honing my listening and understand skills where God is concerned.
So, as you pursue God, remember that not only will He reveal what you should be doing, saying, thinking but also what you need to STOP doing. Where you're sin lies. Where you're seriously falling short. But that's what we want, right????
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