About Me

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Olive Branch, MS, United States
I'm a mom, a wife, a daughter, a sister and a friend. I work, I play, I laugh, I smile and I cry. I love to read, to ponder and to write. These are the thoughts I feel inspired to share...by no means all of them, just some of them.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Why Am I Making This Decision...REALLY?

I really like Andy Stanley. He's a pastor and speaker and has this absolutely uncanny way of being witty with a message at the very same time he is stepping ALL OVER your toes.

The first part of a four-part series entitled "Your Move" is about examining WHY we make the decisions we make and forcing ourselves to be honest about it. WHY did we take THIS job we just took? Why did I choose to date THIS man? Why did I wear THIS to work today? Why do I spend more time ON FACEBOOK than I do reading the Bible?

This week I'm going to start filtering the decisions I make through the honesty filter. Not things like "why did I choose the Grilled Chicken with Roasted Red Peppers lunch instead of the Lasagna?" but things like "why did I make a negotiation move in a certain way?" or "why did I fill out my career development sheet in the manner that I did?".

Understanding our motivations behind our decisions is critical. Did we buy the new 47" Samsung TV because 'we really needed a new TV and this was truly the best deal'? Or did we buy the 47" Samsung TV because 'everybody else has an LCD big screen and a Vizio on the wall isn't as impressive as a Samsung'? Are we spending to impress when we could be using our resources in better ways? Do we take certain jobs because 'they'll help us better provide for our future' or because 'they'll allow me to move away from my in-laws'? (That's just an example honey....I didn't take the job in Memphis to get away from your parents.....REALLY).

So, I'm looking forward to seeing how this new filter stops me in my tracks and makes me think more deeply about what I do and say. Reports forthcoming......

Here's the outline for Part One if you're curious......

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